A New Approach to Editing


A New Approach to Editing: Strategies That Work With–Not Against–the Brain

Write with your heart. Edit with your brain.
–Ernest Hemingway

“Could it be any easier?”

That was the response of a participant at a writing seminar taught by Charlie Euchner, after learning his unique and powerful approach to editing.

For most writers, editing poses the most difficult challenge of writing. Faced with an ungainly draft—filled with problems of sentence and paragraph structure, technicalities of grammar and punctuation, spelling, and word choice—most writers work methodically from beginning to end.

“The Art of the Edit” offers a different approach, which makes this most painful process simple. By moving from the biggest to smallest pieces of your piece, you can edit faster and more effectively. With the “Search and Destroy” system, you can catch more mistakes and avoid “melting down” from overexertion.

“The Art of the Edit,” the acclaimed author and teacher Charles Euchner shows how to:

  • Edit From the outside inward
  • Fix problem paragraphs by giving ideas tabloid headlines
  • Edit by reading aloud and backward
  • Murder your “darlings”

Join us for a dynamic online webinar that shows you how to use this simple and effective strategy for editing tests in all fields — business, education, publishing, journalism, blogging, and more.