Coming Soon: The Master of Writing
When COVID sent the world inside–the first time in more than a century that students at all levels could not come to school–we learned lots about the promise and pitfalls of online learning.
Simply transferring courses from a classroom to a computer, we discovered, doesn’t work. People engage their course content in different ways in real time and on their own.
Online courses are great for teaching skills, for showing certain kinds of processes–if you can break the subject down into its most basic units. But you don’t learn by listening to a MOOC lecture or even a 15-minute mini-lecture.
Learning requires doing. The best online courses succeed by giving students tools they can take and put into practice–right away. Then they provide lots of backup support.
Mastery does not come from a dazzling display of “interactive” and “gamified” learning “content.” It comes from a deep understanding of the topic, a clear explanation of essential ideas, and meaningful followup.
As we get ready to roll out Master of Writing, our comprehensive writing program, we’re applying all the lessons that COVID is teaching.
The result: The best writing program anywhere. A great way to boost your writing skills, whether you’re a beginner or an old pro.
To get updates on the Master of Writing rollout, email Charles Euchner here.