Seminars and Webinars

You can transform your writing in a day. Guaranteed.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, The Elements of Writing Seminars will help you level up your writing.

The key is the brain-based approach to mastery. When you give the brain what it wants–and don’t force what it doesn’t want–learning shifts from a struggle to a pleasure. In a matter of minutes, you can learn each of the 80 simple, intuitive “elements” of writing. And when you get tips about how to apply your new skills, you can put them to work right away.

The Overview of Elements of Writing

The Elements of Writing offers a simple, intuitive system for mastering writing in all fields. The program teaches 79 simple and intuitive skills, which you can learn in a matter of minutes. You can mix-and-match topics to meet the needs of your group or organization.

We offer two core programs:

Master of Storytelling

A comprehensive program for telling engaging and meaningful stories. In this program, we learn how to develop characters, create a narrative journey, depict the world of the story, show action, reveal details, and more.

This program is essential even if you do not consider yourself a storyteller, per se. The techniques of storytelling can be used in all kinds of writing, from emails and memos to web copy to reports and analyses. With these techniques, you can “storify” everything you write — which leads to meaningful engagement.

Topics include Characters, the World of the Story, Narrative Structure, Action, Scenes, Rhythm and Beats, Details, and more.

The Mechanics of Writing

Storytelling provides the perfect foundation for all the technical skills of writing. In a sense, everything you write — every sentence, paragraph, section, and whole piece — is a story.

In this seminar, we not only show how to master all the fcore elements of writing, buyt also how to use powerful hacks to “rewire” your brain to make it almost automatic. Topics include the Golden Rule of Writing, Sentences, Paragraphs, Words, Style, Numbers, the Senses, Details, Grammar, Editing, and more.

Over the years, we have customized seminars to meet the immediate demands of clients. Some past seminars include:

Here are some of the popular seminars and webinars we have presented in recent years:

‘Word Power: Simple Strategies to Write With Oomph’

Keep It Simple. That’s the best advice you’ll ever get for writing well. Whether you’re writing stories for The Paris Review or web copy for Citizens Bank, short, simple words pack the greatest power. But “how” is easier than “what.” In this seminar, Charles Euchner shows a series of simple tricks for using simple words to power your prose. Point by point, you’ll get tip you can use right away. After this seminar, you will be able to explain even the most complex concepts with simplest words–and to use those simple words to create vivid scenes and telling descriptions.

‘Writing for the Web’

Good writing follows the same basic rules, whether you’re writing an annual report or a grant proposal, a book or a policy report, a newspaper article or a how-to blog. But web writing offers a unique challenge. In this Age of Overwhelm, readers won’t actually read your web sopy; they’ll skim it. The trick is to drop lures in the water to get the reader to bite–and stay with your line. This seminar offers a complete set of simple techniques for getting and holding the reader’s attention.

‘The Art and Science of Editing’

“Write with your heart,” Hemingway said. “Edit with your brain.” This FREE one-hour webinar shows a simple eight-step process for wrestling with even the most unruly drafts.

‘Professional Writing: A Primer’

Professionals speak their own language. They use arcane vocabulary and speak to the invisible procedures and byways of the profession. At the end of the day, they still need to communicate–often with non-technical audiences. This seminar shows how to embrace the technical demands of professional writing without getting lost in its endless rabbit hole.

‘How to Write Your First Book’

Everyone seems to be writing a book these days. With the rise of Kindle, iPad, and other electronic readers — not to mention the growth of do-it-yourself publishing — we are living in period that we might call The Writing Revolution. Most people with brains and diligence can write a book. But too many first-time authors waste hundreds of hours of time. Following a number of simple tricks can help to flatten the learning curve for books and other major writing projects. Join us  to learn all the hacks and tips that will save you countless hours and much needless angst.

‘The Simple Hack That Transforms Your Writing’

Using the Golden Rule of Writing can transform your writing instantly. This simple little hack helps you write better sentences, paragraphs, sections, and whole pieces.

What They Say . . .

Charlie Euchner has brought The Elements of Writing to a wide range of audiences. Here’s what they’re saying about Euchner’s writing program:

“A great way to get everybody from students to practicing professionals excited about the skills, knowledge, and work habits that go into the composition of clear, solid prose . . . with just the right blend of rigor, encouragement, and fun.”

—Alex Heard Editorial Director of Outside magazine and author of The Eyes of Willie McGee

“If you once loved writing, hearing Charlie will move you to once again reengage in that art. Take advantage of the opportunity to work with Charlie—it is a good investment of your time and money.”

—Ann Marie Sidman, Vice President, Learning and Development, Gen Re, a Berkshire Hathaway Company

“The genius of a Charlie Euchner presentation is in the simple eloquence with which he delivers a bounty of usable information and advice. Listening to Charlie extemporaneously engage a group is an exhibition of a brilliant and nimble mind at work.”

—Chris Carroll, Director of Student Media, Vanderbilt University

“Charlie’s passion touches every listener and motivates individual transformation in an instant. Speaking without notes, he connects with an audience in just a few moments. I recommend Charlie as a workshop leader who makes a difference.”

—Harris Stone, Chancellor, The Graduate Institute

“Charlie is one of those unique individuals who understands how the world works and can communicate it better than nearly anyone I know.”

—Barry Bluestone, Dean, School of Public Policy & Urban Affairs, Northeastern University

Call him ‘coach,’ for that’s what Charlie Euchner is. He’s an extraordinary mentor who can help convert a competent writer into a compelling writer. Like every great coach, Charlie practices his trade with equal portions of instruction, humor, encouragement and, yes, more than a little inspiration. Give him a try, and he’ll help you transform your game.”

—William T. Walker, author of Betrayal at Little Gibraltar

“When I developed a deep desire to tell my story, I set up a two-hour coaching session. In those two hours I learned more about writing than I had in an entire lifetime. Charlie quickly set a framework for my work, with an easy system to keep me focused and clear-headed.”

—Lesley Roy, Yale Initiative in Religion, Science, and Technology

“Working with Charlie Euchner gave me the high-leverage skills and strategies I needed to write my first book. Working with a short sample of my work, Charlie identified a number of simple principles — and, more important, ways to apply those principles – as I organized my story and produced drafts. We worked together for about four hours to identify and fill the gaps in my repertoire.”

—Tania Von Allmen, author, Return of the Phoenix

Are You Ready to Take the Next Step?

Before we talk, you might want to take one of the surveys to determine what kinds of topics you want to explore.

  • Business professionals: What webinars would you like us to hold soon? Take our survey here.
  • Authors: How about you? Take our survey here.

Call today. Send an email right away to plan your organization’s biggest efficiency- and creativity-boosting event of the year.

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