- Let Us Now Praise Robert McKee
- ‘What If?’ Angus Fletcher on the Brain and Storythinking
- Kate Daloz on the Process of Researching and Writing
- Kate Daloz on Exploring a Bygone Era and Research as Me-Search
- John Truby’s Story Beats for 14 Genres
- Ellen Jovin on the Strangely Universal Fascination with Grammar (And Other Topics)
- John Truby on the New Rules of Genre Writing (Part 2)
- John Truby on the New Rules of Genre Writing (Part 1)
- Paco Underhill on Shopping, Observing, and Writing
- Will Storr on Storytelling, Writing, and the Brain
- How To Draw Readers into the Story – Right Away
- How Donald Trump’s Rhetoric Jazzes His Base … And Splits the Nation
- Tommy Tomlinson on the Craft of Writing
- Tommy Tomlinson on Writing a Memoir About Obesity
- Haskell Wexler’s Lesson for Writers: Gather Lots and Lots of Materials … And Only Then, Organize and Write Your Piece
- Edwin Wong on Risk and Tragedy: The Literary Power of High-Stakes Gambles, One-in-a-Million Chances, and Extreme Losses
- Daniel Menaker on Tragedy, Checking Facts, Writing, and the State of Publishing
- How He Does It: Robert Caro Explains His Research and Writing Process
- Charlie Bagli on The Challenges of Covering New York Real Estate
- Tina Cassidy on Beats, Book Topics, Foils, and Plotting
- Historian Garrett Peck on Discipline, Writing ‘What You Know,’ and the Importance of Hard Facts
- The Story of Bill Nack’s Classic Farewell to Secretariat
- That Pixar Storytelling List
- Virginia Postrel on Big Ideas, Overlooked Issues, Style, and Hard Reporting
- Daniel Coyle on the Talent Code, Shifting Between Story and Summary, and Chasing the Big Whale
- Laura Zigman on Make-Believe and True Stories, Writing Routines, Story Structures, and Adaptation
- Daniel Willingham on Psychology, the Brain, the Battle for Clarity, and Writing
- Katie Hafner on Writing Technical Writing, Intimate Stories, and the Hard Work of Research
- Avery Chenoweth on Telling Stories for Business
- Avery Chenoweth on Fact Versus Fiction, Discovering Stories, Finding Telling Details, and Pitching
- Howard Bryant on Tricks of the Trade
- Howard Bryant on His Inspirations as a Writer
- John McPhee’s Step-By-Step Approach to Narrative Nonfiction
- Tips from the Masters on Writing Your Book
- What Are The Elements of Writing?
- The Challenges of Writing and Editing: Q&A with Kris Spisak
- Tim Ferriss and the Titans (4): On Divergent Thinking, Storytelling, and Integrity
- Tim Ferriss and the Titans (3): On Questions, Research, and Details
- Tim Ferriss and the Titans (2): On Planning, Journaling, and Note-Taking
- Tim Ferriss and the Titans (1): On Commitment and Focus.
- Interviewing Tips from the Pros
- Tom Wolfe’s Lesson on Writing with Pizzazz
- The Enduring (And Sometimes Creepy) Power of Fairy Tales
- Writers on Writing: Books for Your Library
- The Mighty Pinker Has Struck Out
- Malcolm Gladwell’s Rejection Letter
- Secrets of High Achievers
- Writing Well in the Age of the Internet, Technical Writing, and DIY Publishing
The Blog: Writers on Writing